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OcuBloc’s mission is blocking eye infection.


OcuBloc is a medtech startup with the mission of blocking eye infections. Ocubloc is commercializing anti-microbial contact lenses with cutting-edge nanotechnology for postoperative care. Our vision at Ocubloc is to deliver quality eye-care to all patients.

The solution is simple: an antimicrobial contact lens. Innovative nanopillar technology will transform our contact lens into a shield that stops bacteria from growing. Published research shows 50% reduction in bacterial colonization on curved nanopillar surfaces. Our lens is crafted from biocompatible PMMA, the same safe material used to make intraocular lenses. OcuBloc has the potential to expand into diverse markets and provide care for patients with indwelling catheters as well as ocular trauma, to name a few.


Demisha Porter- Translational Biology, Medicine, and Health

Jeremy Myslowski- Translational Biology, Medicine, and Health

Aditya Sircar- Computer Science, College of Engineering

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